Saturday, May 2, 2015

Mayoral campaign deploys new social media strategy

A local mayoral campaign's unique get out the vote tactic is raising questions among Anchorage's male population. "I'm personally very disappointed," said Saul Molliver, a college student who says he is in his "late mid-twenties".

Molliver, 28, was contacted by someone through the popular online dating app Tinder earlier this week. "She just said, like, hey, let's meet at the library. So I was like, yeah, okay, that's cool. You must be, like, smart--that's hot."

But the woman had an unusual request for Molliver when they met in person. "She was like, hey, we should go vote together. That'd be, like, super romantic." Molliver, unaware of the ongoing  mayoral campaign, pressed her for more information. "I tried to play it off like I knew what she was talking about, so I was like, 'yeah, totally,' and asked her who she was voting for. She told me I should vote for this Amy lady who, is apparently, like, really awesome, or something."

Molliver cast his ballot for Anchorage Assembly Member Amy Demboski, but upon exiting the voting booth, his date was nowhere to be found. "I just figured she was, like, in the bathroom or something," Molliver said, "but after, like a half hour, I decided to go look in the book area for her. Nope, not there either."

When he finally did locate his date, Molliver says she was leading another man up to the library's early voting sign-in desk. "It was messed up, ya know, like, what, I didn't vote fast enough for you, so you just go find another guy. Not cool."

While he maintains that he is disappointed in her behavior, Molliver says he would consider seeing the woman again, on the condition that she returns one of the numerous text messages he sent her this week.

This piece is satire, obviously.

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